Thunderpole Thunderstick T3 Kit | CB 26-28 MHz AM/FM/SSB Mobile Antenna
The 3 Foot tuneable Thunderstick is a high performance fibreglass CB antenna with a top-loaded coil designed to boost your signal.
The rigid construction and small design enables the antenna to be used in most environments, however if there is likely to be any contact with tree branches or bushes, etc. then we would advise to also add the Thunderpole 3/8" spring, as this will enable the antenna to spring back if struck by an object.
There is a built-in tuneable tip underneath the end cap to allow you to easily tune the SWR for an optimum reading.
An antenna mount designed to fit through a metal surface and give a waterproof seal, e.g. through a vehicle roof. It requires a 10mm hole to be drilled, and the cable is attached via a right angle DV connector.
The kit includes a body mount, 3.5m RG58 dv lead and a heavy duty spring mount.

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